5月4日はスターウォーズの日。あ、May the Fourth ね…。
めざましテレビでのイベント情報からのネタだもんで、記念日好きな日本人が気付いたのかしら、とも思うも、さすがにネイティブな English Speaker ならすぐに気付くはずだよなぁ、と思って。
色んな興味が沸いてきて、「海外 記念日」なんてのを Google 先生に問うてみた。あ、いいサイトめっけ:
でな、ここで紹介されてる「Days Of The Year」のトップページがもう Star Wars Day なのね:
“May the Fourth be with you” was first used by Margaret Thatcher’s political party to congratulate her on her election on May 4th, 1979, and the saying quickly caught on. However, the first celebration of May 4th took place much later, at the Toronto Underground Cinema in 2001. This first official Star Wars Day’s festivities included a costume contest and a movie marathon. Fans’ favorite parodies of the franchise were also enjoyed, as were some of the most popular mash-ups and remixes. Since then, Star Wars Day has gained popularity and is celebrated by Star Wars Fans worldwide.
引用した下に「祝い方」も書いてあるんで、興味ある人は読んでみれば? (来年忘れてそうだけどな。)