MatplotLib, pygal, curses, gnuplot…ときて…。
「見える化のためのスキルとかインフラを充実させとくとええぞ」ネタの、Windows ユーザにとってはおそらく最も依存物の少ないネタとなるだろう、これ。なんせ「入手できる」どころか、「あんた、もう持ってるぜ」だから。
1 Import-Module .\GoodWorkaroundCharts-v0.1.psm1 -Force
3 # Create simple dataset
4 $simpleDataset = @{
5 "Microsoft" = 800
6 "Apple" = 250
7 "Google" = 400
8 "RIM" = 0
9 }
11 # Create chart and show it
12 New-Chart -Dataset $simpleDataset | Show-Chart
16 # Create ordered hashmap
17 $osloTemperature = [ordered]@{}
19 # Request weather data for Oslo, and put into dataset
20 $wc = New-Object system.Net.WebClient;
21 [xml]$weather = $wc.downloadString("")
22 $weather.weatherdata.forecast.tabular.time | foreach {
23 $osloTemperature[$_.from] = $_.temperature.value
24 }
26 # Create chart, add dataset and show
27 New-Chart -Title "Temperature in Oslo" -XInterval 4 -YInterval 2 -Width 1200 |
28 Add-ChartDataset -Dataset $osloTemperature -DatasetName "Temperature" -SeriesChartType Spline -OutVariable tempChart |
29 Show-Chart
31 # Save the chart as a PNG to the desktop
32 $tempChart.SaveImage($Env:USERPROFILE + "\Desktop\Chart.png", "PNG")
Invoke-WebRequest が Internet Explorer エンジンを使っているらしく、ワタシの今の状態だと動かんのだわ。動かす方法もワタシは知らない。system.Net.WebClient はそうではないので動く。
動かすとチャート2枚が順次ポップアップしたうえで、デスクトップに Chart.png をセーブする。
1 Import-Module .\GoodWorkaroundCharts-v0.1.psm1 -Force
3 $effectiveReproductionNumber = [ordered]@{}
4 $csv = Import-Csv -path "prefectures.csv"
5 foreach ($line in $csv)
6 {
7 if ($line.prefectureNameE -eq "Tokyo")
8 {
9 [datetime]$k = New-Object DateTime
10 [DateTime]::TryParseExact(
11 ($line.year + "-" + $line.month + "-" + $,
12 "yyyy-M-d",
13 [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture,
14 [System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles]::None,
15 [ref]$k)
16 $effectiveReproductionNumber[$k] = $line.effectiveReproductionNumber
17 }
18 }
19 New-Chart `
20 -YTitle "effectiveReproductionNumber of Tokyo" `
21 -Title 'from: Toyo Keizai Online "Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Situation Report in Japan"' `
22 -XInterval 15 -YInterval 0.25 -Width 1200 |
23 Add-ChartDataset -Dataset $effectiveReproductionNumber `
24 -DatasetName "effectiveReproductionNumber" `
25 -SeriesChartType Spline `
26 -OutVariable effprodChart #| Show-Chart
28 $effprodChart.SaveImage("./effectiveReproductionNumber_Tokyo.png", "PNG")
あるいはダイレクトに東洋経済オンラインから csv をダウンロードするなら:
1 Import-Module .\GoodWorkaroundCharts-v0.1.psm1 -Force
3 $effectiveReproductionNumber = [ordered]@{}
4 $wc = New-Object system.Net.WebClient;
5 $csv = $wc.downloadString(
6 "") | ConvertFrom-Csv
7 foreach ($line in $csv)
8 {
9 if ($line.prefectureNameE -eq "Tokyo")
10 {
11 [datetime]$k = New-Object DateTime
12 [DateTime]::TryParseExact(
13 ($line.year + "-" + $line.month + "-" + $,
14 "yyyy-M-d",
15 [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture,
16 [System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles]::None,
17 [ref]$k)
18 $effectiveReproductionNumber[$k] = $line.effectiveReproductionNumber
19 }
20 }
21 New-Chart `
22 -YTitle "effectiveReproductionNumber of Tokyo" `
23 -Title 'from: Toyo Keizai Online "Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Situation Report in Japan"' `
24 -XInterval 15 -YInterval 0.25 -Width 1200 |
25 Add-ChartDataset -Dataset $effectiveReproductionNumber `
26 -DatasetName "effectiveReproductionNumber" `
27 -SeriesChartType Spline `
28 -OutVariable effprodChart #| Show-Chart
30 $effprodChart.SaveImage("./effectiveReproductionNumber_Tokyo.png", "PNG")
1 Import-Module .\GoodWorkaroundCharts-v0.1.psm1 -Force
3 $effectiveReproductionNumber = @{}
4 $effectiveReproductionNumber["Tokyo"] = [ordered]@{}
5 $effectiveReproductionNumber["Osaka"] = [ordered]@{}
6 #$wc = New-Object system.Net.WebClient;
7 #$csv = $wc.downloadString(
8 # "") | ConvertFrom-Csv
9 $csv = Import-Csv -path "prefectures.csv"
10 foreach ($line in $csv)
11 {
12 if (($line.prefectureNameE -eq "Osaka") -or ($line.prefectureNameE -eq "Tokyo"))
13 {
14 [datetime]$k = New-Object DateTime
15 [DateTime]::TryParseExact(
16 ($line.year + "-" + $line.month + "-" + $,
17 "yyyy-M-d",
18 [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture,
19 [System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles]::None,
20 [ref]$k) | Out-Null
21 $effectiveReproductionNumber[$line.prefectureNameE][$k] = `
22 $line.effectiveReproductionNumber
23 }
24 }
26 New-Chart `
27 -YTitle "effectiveReproductionNumber (Tokyo, Osaka)" `
28 -Title 'from: Toyo Keizai Online "Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Situation Report in Japan"' `
29 -XInterval 15 -YInterval 0.25 -Width 1200 |
30 Add-ChartDataset -Dataset $effectiveReproductionNumber["Tokyo"] `
31 -DatasetName "Tokyo" `
32 -SeriesChartType Spline |
33 Add-ChartDataset -Dataset $effectiveReproductionNumber["Osaka"] `
34 -DatasetName "Osaka" `
35 -SeriesChartType Spline `
36 -OutVariable effprodChart | Out-Null
38 $effprodChart.SaveImage("./effectiveReproductionNumber_Tokyo_Osaka.png", "PNG")
とりあえずワタシとしては「出来るよ」までは言っておいてこの先はやらない。基本的に「.net で出来ること」は全部出来るだろう。発展性はいくらでもある、が、なんせワタシが PowerShell を日常にしてないので…、「ワタシはやらない」。
1 Import-Module .\GoodWorkaroundCharts-v0.1.psm1 -Force
3 $tested_positive = @{}
4 $hospitalized = @{}
5 $serious = @{}
6 $death = @{}
7 $wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient;
8 $wc.Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
9 $csv = $wc.downloadString(
10 "") | ConvertFrom-Csv
11 #$csv = Import-Csv -path "demography.csv" -Encoding "utf8"
12 foreach ($line in $csv)
13 {
14 #[datetime]$dt = New-Object DateTime
15 #[DateTime]::TryParseExact(
16 # ($line.year + "-" + $line.month + "-" + $,
17 # "yyyy-M-d",
18 # [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture,
19 # [System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles]::None,
20 # [ref]$dt) | Out-Null
21 $tested_positive[$line.age_group] = $line.tested_positive
22 $hospitalized[$line.age_group] = $line.hospitalized
23 $serious[$line.age_group] = $line.serious
24 $death[$line.age_group] = $line.death
25 }
27 #
28 New-Chart `
29 -YTitle "tested_positive" `
30 -Title 'from: Toyo Keizai Online "Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Situation Report in Japan"' `
31 -Width 1920 -Height 1080 |
32 Add-ChartDataset -Dataset $tested_positive `
33 -DatasetName "tested_positive" `
34 -SeriesChartType Pie -OutVariable tested_positive | Out-Null
35 $tested_positive.SaveImage("./demography__tested_positive.png", "PNG")
36 #
37 New-Chart `
38 -YTitle "hospitalized" `
39 -Title 'from: Toyo Keizai Online "Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Situation Report in Japan"' `
40 -Width 1920 -Height 1080 |
41 Add-ChartDataset -Dataset $hospitalized `
42 -DatasetName "hospitalized" `
43 -SeriesChartType Pie -OutVariable hospitalized | Out-Null
44 $hospitalized.SaveImage("./demography__hospitalized.png", "PNG")
45 #
46 New-Chart `
47 -YTitle "serious" `
48 -Title 'from: Toyo Keizai Online "Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Situation Report in Japan"' `
49 -Width 1920 -Height 1080 |
50 Add-ChartDataset -Dataset $serious `
51 -DatasetName "serious" `
52 -SeriesChartType Pie -OutVariable serious | Out-Null
53 $serious.SaveImage("./demography__serious.png", "PNG")
54 #
55 New-Chart `
56 -YTitle "death" `
57 -Title 'from: Toyo Keizai Online "Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Situation Report in Japan"' `
58 -Width 1920 -Height 1080 |
59 Add-ChartDataset -Dataset $death `
60 -DatasetName "death" `
61 -SeriesChartType Pie -OutVariable death | Out-Null
62 $death.SaveImage("./demography__death.png", "PNG")
「Lineチャート以外」について、モジュールを変える必要があるかろうと思ってたけど、思ったより格調性拡張性高く作ってあった。というか猿真似で「Spline」と自分で指定しとったやん、と、赤面。きゃーえっちぃ。「日本語なんて」については、あぁ相変わらず Microsoft よなぁ、と。なんで今どき Shift-JIS がデフォルトやねん、と。まぁ CPython もそれに倣っちゃってるんで、PowerShell だけを責めることは確かにできんけれども。ともあれ、出来上がった絵:
YTitle 制御が効いてない。本気用途にしたいなら、ほかの手段を講じる必要がありそうだね。