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とは言えこのマニュアルの大半を占めるのが emacs の texinfo-mode の説明で、そこは今読み飛ばせるので、実質読む必要があるのは半分以下。


「1 Overview of Texinfo」(P3, PDFとしては18ページ目)内:

The first syllable of “Texinfo” is pronounced like “speck”, not “hex”. This odd pronunciation is derived from, but is not the same as, the pronunciation of \(\TeX\). In the word \(\TeX\), the ‘X’ is actually the Greek letter “chi” rather than the English letter “ex”. Pronounce \(\TeX\) as if the ‘X’ were the last sound in the name ‘Bach’; but pronounce Texinfo as if the ‘x’ were a ‘k’. Spell “Texinfo” with a capital “T” and the other letters in lowercase.

「12.3.2 Footnote Styles」(P112)の例内:

File: texinfo.info Node: Overview-Footnotes, Up: Overview

(1) The first syllable of “Texinfo” is pronounced like “speck”, not
“hex”. …

そして「And Finally . . .」(P262、Appendix B: Tips and Hints の最後)内:

Pronounce \(\TeX\) as if the ‘X’ were a Greek ‘chi’, as the last sound in the name ‘Bach’. But pronounce Texinfo as in ‘speck’: “teckinfo”.
